METRO’s suppliers create thousands of goods invoices in different formats every day.

On the one hand these invoices need to be allocated to the correct goods received in METRO stores. While on the other hand, the invoices need to be checked for formal correctness as well as correct quantity and prices on article level.

The challenge

The global presence of METRO and it’s big network of international and local suppliers can be a major obstacle to create a standardized end-to-end solution. Country specific legal regulations to be applied for EDI, Paper and E-Invoices are always demanding a high degree of flexibility.
Balancing and clarifying thousands of invoices can incur high costs and requires a complex correction process and a high level of revision.

The solution

The key to such a big challenge is to ensure a business process standardization. By offering harmonized and capsulated microservices, we streamline invoice processing, workflows and support compliance with national and international legal regulation
Our solution allows our customer to decrease costs, increase visibility and boost productivity while enhancing the control over invoices processes.

UI supported by Machine Learning

Automated processing of correction invoices

Integrated supplier communication workflow

Near real time handling of invoices

Cover all METRO countries legal tax regulation

Highly efficient and country specific customizing

> 20

user countries

> 20 000 000

invoices per year

> 95%

process automation

How we do it

Check out the range of tech and tools we use to drive METRO’s goods invoice processes.



RPA Tools

K2 Workflow



Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio